Todd Bidner Skills Clinics Coming Up, News (Lambton Shores Minor Hockey)

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Sep 12, 2022 | Matt Redmond | 386 views
Todd Bidner Skills Clinics Coming Up
Todd Bidner will be hosting hockey clinics on Sept. 16 and Oct. 7 at the Shores Arena in Forest.  

Cost is $25 per player.  For all registrations, PLEASE email [email protected] with player(s) name, age group, date(s) and location.  For more information...

Friday, September 16 - Start of the Season Skills Tune-Up

Ken Houston Arena - Dresden 

9-10am - 6,7,8 yr olds

10-11am - 9,10,11 yr olds

11-12pm - 12,13,14 yr olds

Lambton Shores Arena - Forest

1-2pm - 6,7,8 yr olds

2-3pm - 9,10,11 yr olds

3-4pm - 12,13,14 yr olds

Friday, October 7 - Stick Handling and Shooting Clinic

Greenwood Recreation Centre - Petrolia 

9-10am - 6,7,8 yr olds

10-11am - 9,10,11 yr olds

11-12pm - 12,13,14 yr olds

Lambton Shores Arena - Forest

1-2pm - 6,7,8 yr olds

2-3pm - 9,10,11 yr olds

3-4pm - 12,13,14 yr olds

Sarnia Jackpot City
Lambton Shores Minor Hockey would like to say THANK YOU to Jackpot city for supporting minor hockey. Your support helps LSMHA deliver programs and cover ice costs. Thank you again!