Todd Bidner will be hosting hockey clinics on Sept. 16 and Oct. 7 at the Shores Arena in Forest.
Cost is $25 per player. For all registrations, PLEASE email
[email protected] with player(s) name, age group, date(s) and location. For more information...
Friday, September 16 - Start of the Season Skills Tune-Up
Ken Houston Arena - Dresden
9-10am - 6,7,8 yr olds
10-11am - 9,10,11 yr olds
11-12pm - 12,13,14 yr olds
Lambton Shores Arena - Forest
1-2pm - 6,7,8 yr olds
2-3pm - 9,10,11 yr olds
3-4pm - 12,13,14 yr olds
Friday, October 7 - Stick Handling and Shooting Clinic
Greenwood Recreation Centre - Petrolia
9-10am - 6,7,8 yr olds
10-11am - 9,10,11 yr olds
11-12pm - 12,13,14 yr olds
Lambton Shores Arena - Forest
1-2pm - 6,7,8 yr olds
2-3pm - 9,10,11 yr olds
3-4pm - 12,13,14 yr olds