Jun 27, 2024 | mattredmond & hgeorge | 1040 views
LSMHA Coaching Update
LSMHA would like to announce the following coaches for the 2024-2025 Hockey Season:
U21 Rep - Tom Scotchmer
U18 Rep - John VanGorp
U15 Rep - Luke Cook
U13 Rep - Justin Smith
U11 Rep - Derek Smeekens
U9 Rep - Paul VanLieshout
U7 - Jeff Soetemans
U6 - Ryan Steven
The selection for AE and LL coaches will be determined in September.
At this time we are still accepting coaching applications for all AE and LL teams.
For those interested in Coaching for the 2024-2025 season, please submit your information to Ryan Steven.
E-mail - [email protected]
Cell - 519-466-9053