Sep 21, 2021 | Matt Redmond | 715 views
OMHA Vaccination Policy
Hello Preds Families,
We understand that this is a challenging and uncertain time, and the LSMHA appreciates your patience as we were waiting for direction from the OMHA and the Municipality. The OMHA met on Sept. 20th and came to a final decision regarding their Vaccination Policy for this year.
They have decided that the OMHA Vaccination Policy will remain in place for the 2021/2022 season.
In summary, the OMHA policy states that the following persons will need to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 by Oct. 31st, 2021 to take part in the 2021/2022 season with LSMHA: players born in 2009 or earlier, team officials (i.e., Coaches, Trainers, etc.), game officials (i.e., referees, linespersons, timekeepers, etc.), Volunteers and Instructors (i.e., skills coaches).
To review the Municipality of Lambton Shores guidelines for the Shores and Legacy arena, click here.
LSMHA thanks you for your patience and cooperation.