Mid Summer Update from LSMHA, News (Lambton Shores Minor Hockey)

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Aug 04, 2021 | Matt Redmond | 974 views
Mid Summer Update from LSMHA
Hello Preds families,

Hopefully everyone is having a great summer!  The board wanted to post an update to answer any questions you may have as we inch closer to September.  For more information on 2021/2022 start-up,

Start-Up Dates:  Divisions from minor novice and up will begin “warm-up skates” on or after Sept. 9th.  These are not try-outs, but are an opportunity for players to get warmed up and work in any new equipment before try-outs begin later in the month.  Our goal is to offer players four warm-up skates.    

Try-outs:  Try-outs for the Atom division and up will begin on the Sept. 25th weekend. 

Registration:  We are still accepting registrations for the 2021/2022 season!  If you’d like to sign your player up, click here to fill out the registration form.  ****No need to send payment at this time.  Information on payment for the 2021/2022 season will be posted in the next couple of weeks.  

COVID:  We are hoping for, and anticipating, a more “normal” start up for the 2021/2022 season.  However, LSMHA is still awaiting guidance on what the season will look like from our municipality, the local health unit and the Ontario Hockey Federation.  As we know more, we will let our membership know on the website.   

Enjoy the rest of summer!

Sarnia Jackpot City
Lambton Shores Minor Hockey would like to say THANK YOU to Jackpot city for supporting minor hockey. Your support helps LSMHA deliver programs and cover ice costs. Thank you again!