Second Half Registration Information, News (Lambton Shores Minor Hockey)

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Nov 19, 2020 | Matt Redmond | 757 views
Second Half Registration Information
Hello All LSMHA Families, 

We are now well into the 2020/2021 season, and although the format is very different then past years it is great to see the excitement that our players still have for the great sport of hockey.  
At the November meeting, the LSMHA board was able to finalize the cost structure for the 2nd half of the season. The cost structure was determined based off each teams overall ice time, and that our U7 to U13 groups will continue with 4 additional skill sessions with Scott Jones.

The registration fees for the 2nd half of the season will need to be paid in full by December 15th, no exceptions. Any payments received after this date will have the player put on a waiting list.


Etransfer is the preferred method of payment. Etransfers should be sent to [email protected]. Please include your player(s) name in the comment section of the transfer so we know who the payment is for.


If etransfer is not possible cheques will be accepted. Cheques need to be made out to LSMHA, and given directly to Heather George.


The 2nd half of the season will begin on Sunday January 3, 2021.




Birth Year

2ndHalf Registration Amount










Minor Novice




Major Novice



(U11) Atom

(U13) Pee Wee




(U15) Bantam

(U18) Midget






An additional volunteer cheque is not required for the 2nd half of the season, however all families will be required to volunteer twice in order to meet the requirements for the season. Any families that don’t complete two volunteer sign up activities will have their initial cheque cashed.   


If you are wanting to register a player that did not play for the first half of the season please contact the registrar (Heather George - [email protected]) directly. 



Similar to the first half of the season, a refund policy has been approved by the board if by chance we have to shut down due to covid. 


The refund structures is as follows:

After January 3 - 70% of the 2nd half registration

After February 1 - 35% of the 2nd half registration

After March 1 - 0% of the 2nd half registration


Unless specifically requested any refunded portion would be rolled towards next season's registration. However, if families would like a reimbursement of the funds that would also be accommodated.

Sting Assists
Sting Assists - Sarnia Sting Community Fund