Volunteer, News (Lambton Shores Minor Hockey)

News Article
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Aug 28, 2018 | Melissa Boere | 913 views
Hello Parents

At the Spring AGM a suggestion was brought forward that the LSMHA board look at an electronic program that would allow parents to sign up electronically for volunteer opportunities, instead of using the paper postings in the arena. This will allow all parents equal access to the postings on a real time basis.

For the 2018-2019 season we will be using a program called “Sign Up Genius” which will allow for links to volunteer opportunities to be posted on our website. All parents who sign up for our automatic news feeds from the LSMHA website, will receive the volunteer sign up links and can sign up directly from their phone, computer, Ipad, etc

Please see the document below for directions on how to use the program.

Kaeden Brown Foundation
The Kaeden Brown Foundation supports impactful initiatives, from education to scholarships and community projects, dedicated to creating a brighter tomorrow together.