Mar 25, 2018 | Todd Rannie | 1119 views
LMLL Playoff Update
Here is the latest update on a fantastic playoff for Lambton Shores
Novice Black went undefeated in the regular season and playoffs to win the "A" Pool Championship
Novice Red defeated the Pt Edward Blackhawks in the "A" Consolation Final
Atom Black: defeated the East Lambton White team in a five game thriller
Atom Red: tied 1 game apiece with Strathroy
Pee Wee
Pee Black: all tight batles with Lambeth and Aylmer
Pee Wee Red: 5 game series in Rd 2, all decided by one goal!
Win the "B" consolation in 3 straight games
Black and Red both win their Championship Series