Jun 15, 2017 | Melissa Boere | 1050 views
Registration for 2017-2018 Hockey year
Registration for 2017-2018 Hockey year.
It has been brought to the boards attention that there are some registrations that are missing information cheques etc...
Please be aware that if all fundraising and volunteer fees have not been received by our registrar your child will not be permitted to skate in the fall until all fees have been submitted.
All LSMH players are invited to come out to the initial tryout skate as it is open to all players. At this skate the coaches will be evaluating all the players to determine who they would like on the Rep teams. If you wish for your child to be considered for these teams the $75 rep fee check needs to be handed in prior to the first skate. If you do not hand this in the coaches will consider that your child will only be playing local league hockey. If your child is not picked for one of these teams your chq will be returned to you and not cashed.
Also just to mention for all new parents that a great way to keep apprised of all the things happening within our organization is to subscribe to our newsletters and events.
you click on the link you simply put in your email address and check off the news articles and events. This way whenever any information is posted on the website you will be notified.
If you have any questions in regards to registration please email Tracy @ [email protected]