Nov 13, 2018 | Shawn Dickey | 369 views
The Juvenile team traveled to Mildmay this past weekend where the competed in the 24th Annual Dietz Memorial tournament.
Coming fresh off a 4-2 regular season victory over the SOuth Kent Chiefs Friday night the Juveniles headed north to compete in the Greg Dietz Memorial "Open" Tournament.
Game 1 had the Predators up against Hesepler, which was an "A" center. After a slow start the Preds pulled away winning the game 4-1, but more importantly earning 9 out of a possible 10 points.
Game 2 had the "BB" Lincoln Blades face off against each other. In a very tight defensive battle the Preds pulled out a 2-0 victory earning them 8 out of 10 points.
The 17 points ranked Lambton Shores 3rd out of 16 team and put them into the A semi-final vs the "AA" Erie North Shore Storm. A very fast and physical game had the Preds hit the post several times including with their goalie pulled. Erie scored into an empty net to hand the Preds a 3-0 loss to eventual tournament champs.
Coaches were extremely pleased with the level of effort, discipline and class the boys had through-out the weekend. Lining up to shake hands at the end of the tournament loss brought special mention in an e-mail to coach Dickey from the tournament convenor.
"The boys had fun and played some great hockey against very good competition. As a team we are seeing very significant advancements in the team play and at this pace should be playing great hockey when it counts at the end of the year." Say's a very proud head coach Shawn Dickey
A very special thanks to Marjia who was everyone's team mom on the weekend.