Oct 11, 2017 | Shawn Dickey | 773 views
Lambton Shores LL Bantam are set to play 2 teams Saturday October 21
Saturday October 21... Mark it in the calendar!! At 2:40pm Lambton Shores Bantam LL are set to battle Strathroy Blue at the Gemini in Strathroy. after the game is complete the team is set to play Sarnia HL Team #4 at 6:30 at The Shores. Set in the middle is a good amount of time for the team to gather and have a Pot Luck dinner for the parents and team to get to know each other more. Please watch for an email regarding the days festivities. "Its an excellent opportunity for the team to see how we manage 2 games in a short amount of time. With Silver Stick not too far away its good to get out the bugs beforehand " Says an optimistic Head Coach Shawn Dickey.