Week of September 19th - Meeting Schedule, News, Midget Rep, 2016-2017 (Lambton Shores Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2016-2017 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Sep 19, 2016 | Max Gowdy | 1626 views
Week of September 19th - Meeting Schedule
Scheduled meetings this week.

Good morning Midget parents;
I would like to inform you of a couple meetings I am scheduling for our team.
On Tuesday prior to practice at 7:30pm I will be conducting a players/coaches meeting in the meeting room at the arena. The purpose of this meeting is to get a sense from the players on what they would like out of the season and what they are prepared to commit to as a team goal. This helps bring clarity to the group in regards to expectations and goals.
On Thursday prior to practice at 8:30pm I would like to conduct the yearly parent meeting. We will review ice times, contact list, team schedule (linking LSMH calendar electronically) medical forms, tournaments and budgets at this meeting as well as I will introduce the coaching staff and answer any questions you may have.
The staff for the 2016/17 Midget rep season are:
  • Rusty Jones - coach
  • Jeff Wilson - coach/trainer
  • Dean Stewardson - coach/trainer
  • Adam VanEngelen - coach
  • Dalton Goodhill - practice coach
  • Kerri Schoonjans - team manager
Please feel free to contact me directly with any questions.

Max Gowdy
Vice President
Cell 734-231-6709