Safe Sport Complaints Process (Lambton Shores Minor Hockey)

PrintSafe Sport Complaints Process
Ontario Minor Hockey is committed to providing an environment that is safe, accessible, and inclusive in
which all individuals are treated with respect and in an environment free from maltreatment of any kind.

Unfortunately, we have had a number of situations where complaints have submitted to both Hockey
Canada’s Independent Third Party (ITP) and to the OMHA. In some cases, they have also submitted to the
Local Minor Hockey Association. This has created situations where we may have parallel investigations
being conducted at the same time and has introduced a new set of challenges and inefficiencies.

Accordingly, Hockey Canada has advised the following:
All Code of Conduct complaints must be submitted through the Hockey Canada Safe Sport/Independent Third Party (ITP) Complaint process at

We all play a role in creating a healthy culture that fosters safe sport practice and offers athletes, coaches
and all members of the sport community strong resources in education and reporting.

Click on the document here for more information.