Hello Preds Families!
We are so excited that the season is about to begin!! Check out our calendar as some of or Preds hit the ice in a week!
Please remember that no player will be eligible to attend any prep skate, practice, tryout or game without having completely met all Registration Requirements. No exceptions.
Here are the Requirements:
Payment made in full (unless a payment plan has been approved in writing by the Registrar) (per player)
Volunteer cheques x2 (per family)
Fundraising cheques x2 (OR etransfer of fundraising amounts prior to start of the season) (per family)
Rep cheque (only required if attending tryouts - please hand in and register for tryouts at the Prep skates) (per player)
** Please note that according to our Rules of Operations, in order to attend A/E or MD2 tryouts, every play must first attend the Rep or MD1 team tryouts and be released from the Rep / MD1 team. No player will be eligible or permitted to attend an A/E or MD2 tryout having missed the Rep / MD1 tryouts. **
Thanks everyone! Someone will be at the registration desk at your child's first skate and will be happy to help out and answer any questions you may have. Please see the chart below for cheque amounts and dates. See you all at the rink!