Volunteer Opportunities on Sundays, News (Lambton Shores Minor Hockey)

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Oct 29, 2020 | Matt Redmond | 964 views
Volunteer Opportunities on Sundays
Parents now have the opportunity to volunteer to work the front door at the arenas on Sundays and this will count towards their volunteer cheque hours.  To SIGN UP...  

The LSMHA season is underway, and although it looks very different then in the past, we are excited to see all of the players back on the ice getting exercise and improving their hockey skills.


As many of you are aware, some modified intersquad groups were created for our Sunday ice times. The board has decided that we are going to use our Sunday ice times as an opportunity for parents to volunteer to work the front door at the arenas to count towards their volunteer cheque hours. 


Going forward, your team's Covid Rep will put a schedule in place for door coverage for all ice times Monday through Saturday. These shifts do not count towards volunteer cheques, but are a requirement as a member of the association.


On Sunday, the front door coverage will count towards your volunteer cheque and sign up for these slots will be done electronically through our sign up genius site.

Below is the link to the the volunteer sign up sheet (please only SIGN UP for ONE session right now).

