Anne Marie Zavitz, News (Lambton Shores Minor Hockey)

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Oct 24, 2018 | Melissa Boere | 3381 views
Anne Marie Zavitz
As I am sure that many of you are aware we lost a member of our association last Sunday.  Anne Marie was a long time coach, board member and friend to many players and parents in our association. 

She will be greatly missed by everyone that knew her.  Please see below for funeral arrangements.

Visitation will be held on Friday October 26, 2-4 & 6:30-9 at the Knox Church, 182 Main St, Thedford. 

The service is Saturday, October 27, 11 a.m. at Knox Church, 182 Main Street, Thedford. 

As a way to honour Anne Marie Zavitz, we are inviting you to come to the service on Saturday wearing your favourite hockey jersey, and to bring your stick. We will be forming an honour guard with raised sticks for Anne Marie as she leaves the church.    Please bring your sticks inside with you. You will be invited at the close of the service to move to the front doors and outside steps and walkway, and with raised sticks to honour our friend and team mate.