Novice Tryouts, News (Lambton Shores Minor Hockey)

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Sep 02, 2017 | Mike Dougan | 1216 views
Novice Tryouts
Just reminder to parents of 7 year old players (born in 2010).  All 7 year old players are to attend the Novice tryouts for this season.  

There is an exemption this year for 7 year olds to play Novice hockey as long as there are some 8 year olds on the team.

Next year (2018-19)
Tyke    - 7 yr olds
Novice - 8 yr olds

If you have any questions, contact a board member or myself
Mike Dougan
Sarnia Jackpot City
Lambton Shores Minor Hockey would like to say THANK YOU to Jackpot city for supporting minor hockey. Your support helps LSMHA deliver programs and cover ice costs. Thank you again!