Sep 14, 2016 | Mike Dougan | 1424 views
Development Committee
A Message from the Player Development Committee
Welcome to the 2016/17 Hockey Season
Our goal is to provide the opportunity for all players to develop and enjoy the game of hockey. Our committee members have been assigned a division to assist coaches, players and parents as the season unfolds. Should you have concerns, contact your division Rep listed below.
Tyke Instructional - Peggy Zavitz 519 777-6652
Novice - Ted MCahill 519 786-8025
Atom - Max Gowdy 734 231-6709
PeeWee - Henry Peters 519 871-8017
Bantam - Bob Neelin 519 402-7944
Midget - Kerri Schoonjans 519 381-5318
Juvenile - Max Gowdy 734-231-6709
LSMHA Head Coach - Mike Dougan 519 331-5503