FREE for all LSMHA Goalies & Coaches Steve McKichan of Future Pro Goalie Schools has offered his services free of charge to all LSMHA goalies and coaches.
On Ice Instruction: Monday March 21st -- 6:30pm to 8:00pm
Location: Legacy Centre - Thedford
In Class Session --- 8:00pm --- Steve McKichan has requested to meet with the goalies, coaches & parents in the Community Hall after the on-ice session.
Please view The Future Pro Goalie School link to give you Steve McKichan's background information...
If anyone has a child that maybe interested in being a goalie in the future they are welcome to attend...All goalies must have full goalie equipment.
If you have any further questions please feel free to contact Henry Peters... [email protected] or any LSMHA Development Committee member
Coaches as per usual procedure....Please contact Henry Peters by Sunday March 20th - 5pm to confirm your goalies and bench staff's attendance......Thank -You