2015-2016 Coaches Named, News (Lambton Shores Minor Hockey)

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Jun 30, 2015 | Todd Rannie | 1607 views
2015-2016 Coaches Named
Coaches have been named in the following positions:

Instructional: Adam Willemse

Novice LL: Tom Scotchmer
Novice LL: Trevor Rintoul
Novice Rep: Mike Rombouts

Atom Rep: Shawn Dickey
Atom Black: Shaun Prout
Atom Red: Rob Poland

Peewee Rep: Mark Fraleigh

Bantam Rep: Bob Neelin
Bantam LL: Russ Taylor

Midget Rep: Max Gowdy
Midget AE: Sean Parker
Midget LL: Tim Wilson

Juvenile: Justin Smith

More coaches to be named later.
