Jan 06, 2015 | Todd Rannie | 1513 views
OMHA Playdowns
The OMHA Playdowns are starting to be scheduled and will start to appear on the calendar soon.
The first round series are as follows:
Novice Rep: Round Robin with North Middlesex, Lucan, Dresden, East Lambton and Belmont with 2 advancing
Atom Rep: Bye for first round - second round series with winner of North Middlesex - East Lambton series
Peewee Rep: Round robin with Wallaceburg, Belmont, and Dresden with 1 team advancing
Bantam Rep: Series with Dresden
Midget Rep: Series with East Lambton
Midget AE : Series with Ilderton
Juvenile: Series with East Lambton
Game times are starting to show up on the website so get out and support our teams!!
Go Preds Go!!