Our AtoMc Black Predators are sponsored by McDonalds and have a chance to win some great prizes. After every game a player from the team is chosen as the "Golden Moment Player" of the game. When the team submits a picture to the gallery we can all vote for the players and the team with the most votes wins great prizes.
http://www.mcdonalds.ca/ca/en/communities/golden_moments.html click on the link and vote for all of our players:
Ty W. Tyler S. Hailey M. Garret L.
Spencer P. Eric B. Spencer A. Carson P.
Jack S. Rayna H. Bryce S. Logan M.
The voting now until Dec. 31st is for a set of Hockey Canada Goalie gear for the team. The next period is for a AtoMc ball hockey game hosted by McDonalds and voting for that is Jan. 1st to March 31st. You can vote once a day for each player!
So please click the link above and vote often to help out our fellow Preds!!