Support for Heidi Whiting-Dinel, News (Lambton Shores Minor Hockey)

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Feb 03, 2025 | Matt Redmond | 78 views
Support for Heidi Whiting-Dinel
Hi Preds Families, please see the following from Bruce Dinel. Heidi has volunteered for LSMHA and designed the Silver Stick book for years.

So this is a very difficult post to make. But one that is necessary at this point in time. As many of you know my mom Heidi Whiting-Dinel has been having some ongoing health issues for several years now but unfortunately, things have progressed with her liver disease to the point that she will require a liver transplant. 

She is currently in the hospital undergoing many work ups to prepare her for the surgery and once they are all complete, she will be placed on the deceased donor list. We expect this to happen over the next week. At this point, she is only requiring a liver, but she is edging toward also needing a new kidney. The sooner she gets a new liver the better with hopes to save her kidneys but we are unsure how this will all play out. There is another option for the liver transplant and that is for her to have a living donor. Believe it or not, you can donate a large portion of your liver and it will regenerate completely on its own into a fully grown liver once again within 8-12 weeks!!

There are several factors in determining a match. Testing would be done to determine if you would qualify to donate or not but the starting point would be if you are between the age of 18-55, in good health, and either “A” or “O” type blood. You also need to be within 20-30 lbs of your “ideal weight”. If you meet these criteria, and are interested in exploring being a donor, please reach out to me privately and I will provide you with the information on how to contact the living donor team to see if you may be the person that could save my mom’s life. We have no expectations here from anyone and we realize this would be a major decision for anyone but we wanted to make a plea to our family and friends because you never know who could be the savior we need 

Please feel free to share to your pages or groups to help spread the word. Thank you all so much for your continued love and support. Our family is so thankful to have the amazing people that we do in our lives!